Remove the burden of financial stress  

Opens your life up to new opportunities and adventures

you always have options

No matter what your financial situation or stage of life is.

I will help you discover those options and give you a sense of control over your present and your future.

From retirement planning and aged care advice to investment portfolio management, I have the experience and the expertise to make your money work for you.


Planning for the future

A lot of Australians worry about how they will afford to retire. But with the right game plan, there’s no need to give up on your dream of becoming a grey nomad.

As a Certified Financial Planner®, I will help you define your personal and financial goals, identify any obstacles, and prepare a financial plan that will help you retain your desired lifestyle.

I can also help structure your assets to ensure your loved ones are well looked after.


Structuring your finances

You work hard for your money so you should make sure it’s returning the favour.

I will give your finances a health check and resuscitate wherever necessary.

Whether it’s helping you pay off your mortgage sooner, structuring your income in the most tax effective way, or consolidating and reinvesting your super, I’ll guide you towards the best decisions for you and your family.


Preparing for the unexpected

No one wants to think about experiencing a crisis. But while life gives us a lot of amazing experiences, it can also hit us with some pretty challenging ones.

I can help protect you, your family and your income from the financial burden of injury, illness, divorce or death by recommending the right insurance policies and financial buffers.


Navigating the aged care system

As an Accredited Aged Care Professional™, I can help you fund the aged care best suited to your loved one’s needs and preferences.

Not only will I demystify the complicated aged care fee structure, I will assess your situation and outline strategies that may reduce associated fees.

I can also assist with the completion of lengthy paperwork.


Self managing your super fund

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) is a great way for you to take control of your superannuation and potentially maximise your returns.

As an SMSF Specialist Adviser™, I can help you understand different investment markets and build a diversified portfolio while ensuring you comply with all regulations and laws.


Investing for optimum results

Stepping into the investment world can be scary, especially if you’ve recently received a large sum of money as the result of an inheritance, property sale or insurance payout.

I will draw off my experience and expertise to help you select the investment opportunities that are aligned to your long term goals and risk tolerance.

Ready to structure your finances for optimum results?

Book your complimentary consultation.

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